Age Restrictions: 18+ (14+ Must be accompanied by adults) ID required
Tohir Sodiqov in London
Age Restrictions: 18+ (14+ Must be accompanied by adults)
ID required
Yirik hodisani o’tkazib yubormang — 8-oktyabr kuni The Clapham Grand sahnasida Tohir Sodiqov va Bolalar guruhi!
28 ta albom va 10 ta klip, AQShda chiqish, “Zamonaviy estrada yo’nalishida eng yaxshi guruh” unvoni, “Kerak emas” qo’shig’i uchun “Tarona” sovrini — yuqorida tilda olinganlarning barchasiga ansambl 34 yillik faoliyati davomida erishdi.
Sevimli hitlar va yangi taronalarni eshitish uchun tashrif buyuring!
Sizni yorqin va jozibador shou hamda ajoyib kayfiyat kutmoqda.
Don’t miss out on a great event – October 8th, Tohir Sodiqov and the “Bolalar” group will perform on the stage of The Clapham Grand!
With 28 albums and 10 music videos, performances in the USA, the title of “Best group in the contemporary pop scene,” the song “Don’t Need” and the hit “Tarona” – all of this has been achieved during the ensemble’s 34-year career.
Come and listen to your favorite hits and new songs!
An exciting and captivating show, as well as unforgettable impressions, await you.