15 Oct 2015
DOORS 19:00
Under the Bridge
Important info:
Handle your ticket with care! Copying and reselling of the ticket is forbidden. Unique QR code of the ticket permits only one admission to the event. Other attempts to enter with a ticket that has the same QR code will be failed. Neither EventFirst nor organisers are obliged to investigate the circumstances. Misuse of the ticket is the responsibility of the initial purchaser. Do not fold the QR code part of the ticket. If entrance gate is indicated on the ticket, please enter from there. EventFirst shall not refund or exchange tickets unless stated otherwise. The organiser is responsible for the event. Please have your E-ticket printed and credit/debit card that you used to book available when coming to the event: you must ensure that you print the E-ticket clearly on A4 paper. Tickets are only valid when accompanied by the correct identification selected whilst making the booking.
Handle your ticket with care! Copying and reselling of the ticket is forbidden. Unique QR code of the ticket permits only one admission to the event. Other attempts to enter with a ticket that has the same QR code will be failed. Neither EventFirst nor organisers are obliged to investigate the circumstances. Misuse of the ticket is the responsibility of the initial purchaser. Do not fold the QR code part of the ticket. If entrance gate is indicated on the ticket, please enter from there. EventFirst shall not refund or exchange tickets unless stated otherwise. The organiser is responsible for the event. Please have your E-ticket printed and credit/debit card that you used to book available when coming to the event: you must ensure that you print the E-ticket clearly on A4 paper. Tickets are only valid when accompanied by the correct identification selected whilst making the booking.
Therr Maitz
15 октября группа Therr Maitz, основателем и фронтменом которой является Антон Беляев, выступит на сцене клуба Under the bridge.
Музыканты представят специальную двухчасовую программу, которая будет состоять из абсолютно новых песен, а также из уже всем полюбившихся хитов коллектива.
Кстати говоря, 24 сентября состоялась премьера нового клипа Therr Maitz на композицию Found U со второго студийного альбома группы, который получил название UNICORN.