TICKET COLLECTION AT VENUE BOX OFFICE ONLY EventFirst ticket printouts are valid confirmation of the ticket purchase. Original tickets will be available for collection at the "Garage" box office only. To make sure you get your tickets 100% and void frustrating moments like lost/ forgotten tickets at home, we arranged for our customers box office collection. How it works As soon you received our ticket purchase confirmation your name will be added to the box office list and you will be able to get your tickets quickly just before the event. Easy, isn't it? DO NOT FORGET to bring your CARD you paid for your tickets with. To collect your original tickets for this event you need to show credit or debit card and tell the name of the person who booked event tickets. If you have any questions just contact us. To see more information about box office collection, please click here. Please remember that admission with EventFirst printouts will not be permitted. Don't forget to collect your tickets at the box office.
Handle your ticket with care! Copying and reselling of the ticket is forbidden. Unique QR code of the ticket permits only one admission to the event. Other attempts to enter with a ticket that has the same QR code will be failed. Neither EventFirst nor organisers are obliged to investigate the circumstances. Misuse of the ticket is the responsibility of the initial purchaser. EventFirst shall not refund or exchange tickets unless stated otherwise. The organiser is responsible for the event. Please have your E-ticket printed and credit/debit card that you used to book available when coming to the event: you must ensure that you print the E-ticket clearly on A4 paper. Tickets are only valid when accompanied by the correct identification selected whilst making the booking. Please arrive 40 minutes before, to avoid unnecessary delays.
Диана Арбенина в Лондоне
Диана Арбенина уже больше 20 лет живет рок-н-роллом и пишет песни без оглядки на популярность.
Их, песен, родилось уже больше 200. И хотя среди них нет ни одного “летнего хита”, настоящих хитов – заработанных, заслуженных годами – много. “31-ой весне” и “Ты дарила мне розы” залы подпевают хором. Но есть песни, от которых у зрителей перехватывает дух. Их Диана Арбенина выделяет в особую программу и поет, оставаясь на сцене одна.
Это – пронзительная, “фирменная” арбенинская акустика: музыка особого значения и слова на грани исповеди. Именно эту программу Диана Арбенина исполнит в Лондоне. У верных и недавно появившихся поклонников есть шанс с благословения Автора приоткрыть дверь в недалекое, но все равно будущее и нырнуть в магию струн и голоса, которые оживляют образы, переживания, времена и пространства, навсегда запечатанные в конверты песен.